New Year!

2021 is slipping away… In a few hours we will welcome 2022.

The new year can be a poignant transition, and I would like to acknowledge those of you who are grieving - whatever your loss. New Year can feel surprisingly emotional and challenging. As midnight strikes, it may mark the close of the year in which you last saw your loved one; or an aching reminder that another year has passed. Whether you are surrounded by celebrations, or by yourself, this time can sometimes feel very alone.

I am sending you all love, and my thoughts are with you 🤍

Whatever 2022 brings for you, I hope there may be moments of connection, rest, love, giggles, hugs, serenity and contentment.

*The picture is of a recent December walk - ancient Sussex road, grey sky, damp and muddy and exquisitely beautiful


Your loss is the worst in your world!


BabyLoss Awareness Week 2021